Health awareness is the most important key towards attainment of optimal health. Nowadays, a lot of people are having issues with their weight. It serves as a yardstick for longevity and better quality of life. A lot of diseases, like Diabetes and Heart Diseases, are actually associated with being overweight or obese. Moreover, excessive weight has been a social stigma in today’s generation. Obese individuals are being bullied and oppressed for their weight and looks. But what predisposes people to become such?
One important condition that allows weight gain is emotional eating. Emotional eating is defined as a condition of seeking for pleasure through eating comfort foods such as chocolates, junk foods, burgers, doughnuts and the likes. When you are sad, you simply eat these foods to release tension and wretchedness that you feel. You make use of foods as your sweet escape from these mishaps and that adds more inches to your waist. Unfortunately, the happiness that you would feel is just for a short period of time. After it dies out, you then will feel guilt and shame for your acts, which could further aggravate your emotional instability. This is a continuous cycle that would definitely gain you pounds over time.
Now, most people are not aware that this has been the source of their problems simply because they are not aware of having such emotional distress in them. They resort to different quick fix to lose weight without realizing the true cause of their weight gain. Therefore, it is really essential to have health awareness, both physically and emotionally, to assess the risks of being subjected to different diseases. Health awareness is a tool that empowers people in managing their own health. With knowledge of the mere presence of emotional problems, roads for health optimization and prevention of illness may be opened. To break free from emotional eating, here are some tips and suggestions that may help you.
- Food Journal :From the name itself, it is chronicling your daily food consumption and your feelings associated with that food. That way, you get to trace the pattern of your food preference when you’re feeling a specific emotion. This will also enhance your health awareness.
- Eat Healthy Foods: Instead of craving for comfort foods, which are generally not nutritious, why don’t you try healthy foods? In that way, you get to use food as your antidote and you also get to extract nutrients from it —no harm done on your belly circumference. Yes, it’s not as tasty as burgers and other butter flowing foods but still you must put in mind that there is no quick fix to lose weight. So embrace the taste of nutritious foods rather than rot in a corner with your humpty-dumpty body.
- Have Diversion Activities: As an alternative for foods, try doing diversion activities that will help you take your mind off your cravings. You may do some house chores, read, draw, etc. One beneficial diversion activity is committing your self in exercise routines. Exercise routines are not only a means of distraction rather; it also maximizes weight loss. There are a lot exercise routines that are available for you, depending on your needs. Since there is no quick fix to lose weight, you might want to exert serious efforts on exercise routines for faster attainment of goal.
- Plan Meals; You ought to have a rough image of what healthy foods you must eat for the entire day. When you are choosing in the menu, choose the healthier ones which calorie counts would not shoot up the sky. I know some of these foods are generally not appetizing as compared to those comfort foods available but quick fix to lose weight is impossible.
- Think About The Complications; As you get home, you open the fridge and saw a pint of your favorite luscious ice cream. But, oops! Hold it! Think first. Will this help you get to your goal? Imagine its calories and sugars flowing in your veins. Imagine the inches it will add up to your waist and imagine all your efforts in your exercise routines go in vain when you submit to your cravings. Yes, I know. It’s really hard to refuse your favorite ice cream, but think about it, there is no quick fix to lose weight. If you really want that, then you must sacrifice a bit, right?
- Develop Coping Mechanisms: Now, this has been the primary problem for the emotional eaters. They don’t have proper coping mechanisms and adequate health awareness to help them resolve emotional conflicts. They tend to resort to eating and bury down their predicaments deep within themselves. As a result, they have larger waist plus plump body that would most certainly need exercise routines to shape it up.
- Talk To A Professional: This is somehow connected with the previous entry. If you cannot develop a healthy coping mechanism, then you might want to talk to a professional to help you resolve your emotional quandaries and develop health awareness. He also might prescribe with right diet and exercise routines to help you lose weight.
Health awareness and exercise routines are two of the most important things in losing weight. Always bear in mind that there is no quick fix to lose weight. So it is in your hands to sacrifice the emotional foods that you so like to attain your goal. After all, it’s a little price to pay for your health and self-worth right?