How Does The Turbulence Training Address Your Fat Loss? Let’s See What Craig Ballantyne Has To Say!

The Man Behind The Turbulence Training System

The workout system was developed by Craig Ballantyne, a Strength and Conditioning Specialist certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He has quite a reputation in the fitness industry, having had articles published in magazines like Men’s Fitness and Men’s Health.

Truth is, people do not like working out because it is boring and takes a lot of time. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss aims to take care of exactly that by introducing a no-nonsense approach to working out that might just appeal to people who otherwise would not have the time to burn – in all the senses of the word.

There would be no more need to spend hours on cardio exercises that are not that effective in burning fat and building muscle.

The system includes multiple workout routines ranging from those that beginners can engage in, to those that are best left to the pros.

What Sets It Apart from Other Weight Loss Programs

With this system, only 3 short but intense workout sessions are needed per week, as opposed to other regimens that require you to work out practically every day. It also does not require you to buy expensive gym equipment.

You can even choose not to go to the gym; all you need are a stability ball and some dumbbells and you’re good to go. This means that you can do the workout routines right at home.

What Comes with the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Package?

The system promotes two types of workouts – interval workouts and strength workouts. These are laid out in the following items that come with the TTFL package:

  • TTFL is a 76-page e-book jam-packed with workouts for beginners and pros; it is more than enough for 16 weeks of fat-burning.
  • An mp3 file detailing the workouts and the principles behind the system.
  • A Bodyweight Only Workout that could run a span of four weeks that would help you get into working out more – giving you no excuse not to work out as you would need zero equipment in getting them done.
  • An advanced bonus workout that combines weight exercises and bodyweight routines.
  • A 30-day Workout Guide

Watch the video below where Craig reveals 6 workouts of interval training included in this system.

Click here to learn more about Turbulence Training


Who Is This For?

This program is not for someone out for a miracle workout that can help him get fit without doing anything in just a week. However, if you are one of the following, you may just find this program worth looking in to:

  • very busy with career or family and only have a few minutes to spare for working out
  • someone with a budget that would not allow the purchase of expensive gym equipment
  • need to lose weight fast
  • want to be able to workout at home

Turbulence Training does not require the use of equipment. If you have gym equipment, good for you; otherwise, a pair of resistance bands and a stability ball would help. Throw in a few dumbbells to help in arm toning.

What is even better is that there are bodyweight workouts that would help you get fit even if you do not have any of those, although the fact remains that those dumbbells could help.

Remember that this is no miracle workout though; this is not for people who cannot devote even just a few minutes of their time to working out. In fact; the fact that it does not require much time is one of the reasons why it has worked for some people.


Following are the reasons why some people prefer this system:

  • The bodyweight workouts do not require equipment at all
  • The workouts that do need equipment only need the basics like dumbbells and resistance bands that are not expensive
  • Some workouts target particular body parts for efficient weight loss so if you have problem areas where there are stubborn fats, this system might help.
  • You can do the workouts right at home; no need to go to the gym
  • The workouts do not take a lot of time


The only problem with this system is that people who are visual learners would have a harder time keeping up. There are step by step instructions for the workouts that are easy enough to follow; still, those are just words and there are no videos that you can follow.

If you are a visual learner but you still want to make use of the workout routines, you may have to stick with the beginner exercises first to get used to it.

Is It Safe?

The program is a safer option because it does not require intake of substances that may be harmful to your health, nor does it require crazy diets.

Some of the workouts can be intense so if you have a condition that would put you at risk if you exert a lot of effort, it is better to consult a licensed medical practitioner first.

When Will You See Results?

Normally, results would start to manifest in 30 days. For some people though, especially those that only used the bodyweight workouts, it might take longer.

For some, it only took 3 weeks to see significant results (i.e. a drop of 6 pounds). While most people have claimed that they lost way more than that, you have to be careful because losing a lot of weight too fast may put your health at risk.

What You Need To Do?

The good thing with this system is that it is not as strict as most regimens; you will only have to spend a maximum of 50 minutes per session, three times a week.

You have to make sure that you get sufficient rest to give your body the chance to recover though.

Also, the system does come with a nutritional guide so it is better to stick to that. You do not need to starve yourself; you just need to make sure that you eat enough to help your body recharge and get enough energy for other tasks.


Have you noticed how muscular sprinters are? Compare them to marathon runners. You would notice that while long distance runners are indeed fit, sprinters have sleeker and stronger physiques.

Now, you are probably aware that there are various types of workouts, and that cardio and interval training are just two of the more popular, and both have their fans and detractors. Now, there is a good reason why sprinters are more buff than marathon runners – and that is the intensity and type of activity that they regularly engage in.

The developers claim that the system is the result of over 6 years of University study, scrutiny of over 700 related research documentation and 16 years of hands-on experience as well as well over 5,000 personal training sessions.

For example, researchers at Laval University in Quebec compared slow and steady aerobic training with the more intense interval training. And to the surprise of the researchers, the interval training group lost more fat.

Another study confirmed that 8 repetitions of an interval training set are significantly more effective than 12 repetitions of aerobic training sets.

Try it and Get Satisfied, or Get Your Money Back in 60 Days!

The Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program can be availed of at no risk to you, since it comes with a money-back guarantee. You get to try the program for 60 days.

That is plenty of time for the results to manifest. Find out for yourself how much fat you can lose or muscle you can gain after doing the workouts. And if it did not turn out well for you, you can get your money back.

Visit the official website for more details.


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