Binge Eating Disorder And Its Side Effect
Binge eating disorder also known as food addiction or compulsive overeating is the most common eating disorder to date. Females are more susceptible to this disorder especially emotional eaters.
Some of the signs of binge eating are: an individual eats a large amount of food even when not hungry, eats quickly during an episode as compared to normal eating instances, feels loss of control over eating during and after a binge episode and feels guilty and frustrated afterwards.
Binge eating is more common among young adults and older adolescents, the time where one is more susceptible to stress, worry or depression.
A person suffering from a binge eating disorder may eat for two hours nonstop or some may keep eating throughout the day. Binge eaters always feel guilty and frustrated on their inability to control their eating.
These may lead to depression, sleeping disorders, suicidal tendencies and frequently sufferers may turn to drugs, suffer anxiety and become obese. Some of the immediate effects of binge eating are:
- Physical discomfort. After a binge episode, an individual may feel severe physical discomfort manifesting as nausea or even suffocation. People with chronic asthma or acid reflux will suffer intense indications after an overeating episode.
- Guilt. Often after a binge episode or even during one, an individual will feel intense guilt on her inability to control his compulsion. Often frustrated and guilty an individual always tries to control his urge feeling more frustrated when she fails.
- There are long term effects of binge or over eating. It may not manifest immediately unlike the physical discomfort immediately felt after an episode rather it is an accumulation of complication stemming from one effect which is obesity.
- Overeating will lead to weight gain and if not addressed to morbid obesity. Overeaters tend to be loners, often having a binge episode alone due to embarrassment and will often lead a sedentary lifestyle. Binges are often on unhealthy food thus another contributing factor leading to obesity.
- After obesity comes Type II Diabetes. Almost 84% of those diagnosed with diabetes are obese and overweight. Diabetes can lead to health complications such as kidney, liver and heart problems or even blindness.
- Binging on unhealthy food can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels which may progress to heart problems and disorders. High triglyceride levels means more fat in the blood and LDL cholesterol can coat the wall of the arteries which may cause blockage, a major cause of a heart attack.
- Frequent binge episodes will result to gastrointestinal and digestive disorders. It can lead to food poisoning, acidity, gas formation and an unhealthy metabolism. Gall bladder problems and irregular liver function may also result.
- Putting a strain on the organs through binge or overeating and being obese can lead to cancer. Cancer of the colon, rectum, breast, ovaries, esophageal, gall bladder and prostate are but some of the complications that results from and are linked to overeating and obesity.
- Binge disorder is a serious disorder often affecting young adults and adolescents. If not addressed as soon as possible health complications are sure to happen. This also comes with the stigma of being overweight and obese aside from being considered weak and foolish.
- Binge eaters tend to become antisocial because of their bodies and may become depressed and become suicidal in some cases. Emotional turmoil may be aggravated by sleepless nights, aches and pains that shouldn’t be felt by a young body at all. Accepting the problem is the first step, seeking help is the next.