Dr. Charles Livingston is the person responsible for Fat Loss Factor, a weight loss program which is made available online.
He is a Chiropractic doctor from Palmer College of Chiropractic. He is also a public speaker as well as a certified wellness enthusiast.
What sets Dr. Livingston apart from his colleagues is that he walks the talk. His athletic, physical, and nutritional conditions reflect his teachings. This is the reason why a lot of people trust his products.
His Fat2Fit weight loss series launched his popularity in 2012. He became an expert in weight loss because of his academic and professional experience as well as his empirical knowledge on the maintenance of body shape.
When he launched his Fat Loss Factor video, it became popular because he shared some valuable secrets regarding losing weight and fat burning.
Dr. Livingston’s most popular works include the Cellulite Factor System and the Fat Loss Factor.
The Cellulite Factor provides a unique 4-step program to reduce cellulite. In this program, he teaches his followers regarding cellulite and its reduction.
Fat Loss Factor, on the other hand, is a weight loss program focused on getting rid of body toxins in order for the body to resume its natural fat-burning state. Click here to read our review on the Fat Loss Factor.
The program also seeks to retrain and educate the mind with regards to eliminating bad habits and replacing them with healthier ones.
The central focus of the Fat Loss Factor is the liver. According to Dr. Livingston, the liver must be clean so that the body can do its functions in burning cholesterol and fat.
He is of the belief that toxins in the liver restricts fat metabolism thus making a person obese.
Dr. Livingston offers 15-minute workouts, natural juices, and foods to improve metabolism and liver function.
During the first 2 weeks of the program, the individual must follow his instructions on natural detox-cleansing. The person will be required to take a lot of juices, fruits, and vegetables.
The next phase is to follow the different 15-30 minute workouts to speed up fat burning. There are also specific workouts to strengthen different muscles.
Dr. Charles Livingston’s Flagship Program
The Fat Loss Factor
(Click here for our review)
Visit the website @ www.FatLossFactor.com