Brad Pilon Explains Why Would You Want To Eat Stop Eat :)

Eat Stop Eat:

eat stop eatOne of the most sensitive topics of discussion, especially among women, is weight. It’s really puzzling how people are not really contented on how they look, and make weight a fundamental part of their being.

Even highly respected models think that their frail bodies still needs some work. People then tend to look for methods of losing weight – that includes diet plans and exercise programs.

If you’re one of those people who search the web for those plans, you may have run into the website and saw how they promote their services.

Eat Stop Eat is a book written by Brad Pilon, a nutritionist, about intermittent fasting and weight loss. It talks about being able to lose weight and body fat, and even increase your growth hormone. Aside from that, it talks about losing those pounds yet gaining muscle at the same time.Sounds interesting, right?

Why is Eat Stop Eat different from other diet programs?

Eat Stop Eat is different from other diet programs as they do not encourage you to keep on eating in order to lose weight. What Brad promotes is ‘intermittent fasting’, and he does not want a person to be bound by an exact diet plan. His ideas are different than most, but he promises that it will work and make you shed those extra pounds.

What’s Inside “Eat Stop Eat”?

brad pilonThere are several important topics covered by Eat Stop Eat, namely:

  •   It talks about fasting – basically, when and when not to eat.
  • It discusses how fasting can  influence your body such as affecting your metabolism, hunger, brain, and even your muscle mass and sugar levels.
  • It gives you helpful data on how to control your eating habits via ‘Eat Stop Eat style’.
  • It will also let you design a workout program that will surely work for you.
  • It will give you the benefits of exercise.
  • It will tell you how to maintain your weight, and keep those pounds off.

Who Will Benefit from Eat Stop Eat?

Simply put, anyone can benefit from Eat Stop Eat. You can benefit from Eat Stop Eat. Yes, it focuses more on people losing weight; however, for some, it’s more of a lifestyle change that is beneficial to their health.

Of course, it’s good if you can maintain your desired weight, because we all know how dangerous it is to have unnecessary pounds on parts of the body that they shouldn’t be in – the heart, for example. It’s highly known how cholesterol and blood pressure can also go higher when you gain weight.

Can This Program help me Lose Fat?

You can take note of several points that will confirm that you can lose fat because of Eat Stop Eat.

The points to ponder are as follows:

  • Brad Pilon, the man who created this program, is a nutritionist and has experience with weight loss.  He has tried this fat loss program himself and has proved he can do it. He even has photos of himself to prove that it is indeed possible.
  • The program is simple enough – you don’t have to measure your meals, you don’t have to buy special foods, you don’t have to take note of anything major.
  • It leads you to have a healthy lifestyle, focusing more on exercises and fasting, rather than thinking what types of food you’ll have to devour next.

Watch This Video Where Brad Pilon Explains Fasting and Exercise Have Very Similar Effects On Your Body 🙂

Click Here To Know More About Eat Stop Eat

The Pros of Eat Stop Eat:

Eat Stop Eat has several advantages that you need to consider that may help to finally push you to purchase the book. The advantages are the following:

  • It will not bore you much because it’s just a short read. The book is around 180 pages so it can be finished already, depending on how fast you read and comprehend its contents.
  • You can save money – you don’t have to buy any medicines, or any expensive food or drinks that you end up not liking at all. You don’t have to buy supplements that supposedly act as a substitute for food when you get hungry.
  • You can follow the diet you most prefer. Eat Stop Eat won’t control your food intake. It won’t tell you what or what not to eat. It’s up to you.
  • You will be more efficient and effective. Your energy will stay the same and it won’t decrease especially on the days you fast.
  • You can have your life back that you may have lost while trying out those other weight-loss programs.

The Other Side – the Cons of Eat Stop Eat:

  • You’ll have to go fasting for a day. Literally on the day. The ideal fasting would be to stop eating from the night prior to your fasting day, and then resume eating on that night. In those cases, you can just think of having a very busy day.
  • It does not provide you an instant solution. But then again, most weight loss programs don’t promise such. Weight lost in such a short time frame tends to be gained with the same speed.
  • You may get hungry while fasting. However, you can just consider that as a small sacrifice – once you get used to it, your body will then be burning your fat, down to the last bit.

How Safe is the Program? Are there any Side Effects?

Several people have already attested – they used the program and did not experience any side effects. Therefore, it’s said to be very safe.

Testimonials and Statements of People Who Used the :

Several people have given testimonials, proving the effectivity of the program. One of them, 53-year old Dr. Patrick Lowry (an army physician) had shared his story; saying that previously, he has difficulty passing the Fitness tests being administered to him, but now, he gets high marks. He can even eat almost everything that he wants on his eating days. His health even has improved, and he is able to avoid diseases, even colds, for these past few years.

Final Verdict:

The book costs $37, however, you can try it for 3 days, and you will only be charged $9.99. If you don’t like the book (which most likely won’t happen), you can let Brad know and you won’t be charged the remaining amount.

At a glance, it will look like those ‘too-good-to-be-true’ diet plans, however it’s not all fun and games since there’s fasting involved. It is easy to do, because it’s very simple. This program comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose. Wait, you actually have something to lose once you try this out. Know what it is? Yes, your body fat.

effective diet program

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