7 Points To Keep In Mind While Doing Grocery Shopping If You Are In A Weight Loss Journey!

There are 7 points to keep in mind while doing grocery shopping if you are in a weight loss journey.

  • Always Create A Grocery List Before Leaving For The Supermarket.

grocery listIt is very important to prepare ahead when it comes to grocery shopping. Not having a grocery list will definitely cause you to forget important items and also increase the possibility of impulse buying.



  • Plan Your Meals And Snacks Ahead Before Shopping.

Plan mealWhen you plan your meals and snacks, you will know what to get at the grocery store. Try setting aside 30 minutes of your time each week to prepare a 7 day meal plan. You can browse through many great, cheap and simple healthy recipes online.


  • Research On The Latest News About Healthy Food And Compare Price Lists.

There is so much information that you can get a hold of when it comes to healthy food options. Educate yourself with the power foods that can boost your performance during workouts and health relaxing food options as well.

It wouldn’t hurt to compare prices of the things in your grocery list as well. This will make it easier for you to set a budget and save some money as well. Healthy food doesn’t have to be that expensive.

  • Set A Budget And Always Keep Your Receipts.


  • When you’re out shopping, setting a budget will keep you from buying unnecessary and unhealthy things that aren’t included in your grocery list. The best thing to do is to bring cash or carry a debit card with the fixed amount of money as budget for your grocery shopping.
  • To know how much you’re spending for your weight loss food supply, always keep your receipts. That way, it will be so much easier for you to set the budget next time around.


  • Don’t Forget Your Supplements.

Part of a healthy weight loss journey is to always have the proper nutritional supplements. Regular and strenuous exercise can take a toll on your immune system, not to mention drain essential minerals from your body. Here are some powerful pills that can boost your energy and make you healthier.

  • Vitamin D –

vitamin DOf course you’ll need all the essential vitamins, but this one doesn’t get as much attention as A, B Complex, C and E. Vitamin D lowers your risk of colon, breast and (for women) ovarian cancers. You’ll need 1000 IU each day.



  • Calcium –

calciumYou need 1000 mg of calcium each day, and women should take it each day for two weeks before their period.





  • Grape Seed Extract –

grape seedExercising out in the sunshine can be fun but it can cause dark spots and wrinkles, to name a few. Grape seed extract is chock full of proanthocyanidins, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help reverse wrinkles and other damages caused by the elements. Furthermore, it aids in the maintenance of collagen and elastin to keep your skin smooth and youthful.



  • Always Check And Stock Up On The Staples.

You might catch yourself eating out at a fast food diner or something like that if you find nothing to eat (or you’re too lazy to cook). Of course, this habit will hurt your health and keeps you bloated. That’s why it’s best to stock up on healthy staple food during immediate bouts of hunger.

  • Olive oil or Safflower oil:

olive oilThese are two ingredients that can turn an ordinary plate of wheat pasta into a delicious restaurant  style dish. You can chop up some cilantro, crush a clove of garlic and pop it into the microwave,or add a few drops of lime juice for a kick of flavor.




  • Balsamic vinegar–

balsamic vinegarThis is another delicious alternative to cream based salad dressings. You can slice some cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce. To eat, dip your fork into a sauce dish of balsamic vinegar before spearing into your salad for just the right amount of flavor.




  • Cinnamon–

cinnamonCinnamon is a great spice that will definitely add a lot of flavor when you’re on one of your sweets craving episodes. Simply put a dash of cinnamon powder onto a piece of bread, toast, and enjoy. You can even smear on a bit of low fat butter to indulge.



  • Green Tea–

green teaWhy don’t you try adding green tea to your shopping list? Although it doesn’t come close to the flavor of coffee, green tea is an antioxidant and an energy booster (it contains caffeine). Furthermore, it’s fat free and extremely healthy. You can try drinking a cup of green tea in the morning instead of coffee every other day.

  • Choose Healthier Snacks.

When you’re on the go, you tend to crave for something to nibble on and end up buying very unhealthy snacks from the vending machine. But if you prepare for your grocery shopping, you can keep those cravings at bay without sacrificing your weight loss program. Here are a few great snacking suggestions:

  • Pumpkin Seeds –

pumpkin seedThey contain magnesium, which keeps your metabolism up and running. You can eat them as an on the go snack or add to your cereal or scrambled eggs.



  • Plain Low Fat Yogurt –

yogurtIt contains B vitamins and works as a co-enzyme that breaks down food. It’s a great alternative to milk or ice cream. Add a bit of fruit for some flavor.



  • Dark Chocolate –

dark chocolateIt is rich in flavonoids which help to reduce stress and relax blood vessels. It’s a much healthier and guilt-free indulgence.




There you have it, the 7 points to keep in mind while doing grocery shopping if you are in a weight loss journey.



  1. Chris August 26, 2012

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