8 Healthy Eating Habits To Lose Weight!

If you want an effective way to shed off those extra pounds, then one measure that you can turn to is practicing healthy eating habits to lose weight. The key here is eating the right food in the right amounts and at the right time. So unlike some popular diets that you will find nowadays, you will not have to starve or unnecessarily cut back on certain foods which contain the essential nutrients that your body needs.

To give you a clearer idea about that, here are some information and tips on healthy eating habits to lose weight that you will definitely find useful.

Never Skip Breakfast:

You should start your day right. Never skip breakfast. As you may have already repeatedly heard and read, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This will actually jumpstart your metabolism after your resting for a long time during your night’s sleep. This way, the digestive and metabolic processes will be started early and efficiently. Eating breakfast will also give your body its much needed fuel to get to work. In the same manner, breakfast will also give you the energy to work throughout the day.

Say No To Processed Food:

Another healthy eating habit that will help you lose weight is substituting your processed foods. As you may already be very much aware of, processed foods are very unhealthy. As a matter of fact, they can be considered as junk foods. Thus, you must stay away from them. Instead, make sure that your meals are all made from fresh ingredients.

Thus, this actually means that you have to give time to preparing your food ahead of time.

As a matter of fact, it would be best if you find time to eat at home so you can closely monitorthe food that you eat to make sure that you are eating the right foods in the right amounts.

Fruits & Vegetables:

You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. This is a known item in the list of healthy eating habits to lose weight. As you may already know, these are good sources of fiber and nutrients. Fiber is very much necessary to cleanse your digestive system so you can get rid of stored waste that makes you gain weight. In the same manner, eating fruits and vegetables will give you the right amount of energy that will keep you going throughout the day; but at the same time, you will be reducing your calorie intake since  you will be substituting the latter with fruits and veggies which are healthier options.

Know What You Eat:

Another important item in this list of healthy eating habits to lose weight is watching what you eat. You should always be conscious of what food you are eating. Refrain from eating “emotionally”. For instance, there may be times that you eat food for comfort or to relieve you from stress. This will actually be harmful for your body. During these moments, you will tend to eat unhealthy food like sweets. At the same time, you will also tend to consume in larger amounts.


Small Meals:

It is also best to eat small meals daily and regularly. As a matter of fact, studies by expert themselves show that a lot of people easily gain weight because they tend to eat less frequent but significantly bigger meals. As you may know, when you are hungry, you tend to eat a lot of food. This causes the calories to build up because the food you ate cannot be burned fast and easy. Thus, it is best to eat food in smaller quantities but with more frequency so you will not go hungry.

Eat Slowly:

Another healthy eating habits to lose weight which is easily taken for granted is eating slowly. Take time to enjoy your food. Do not rush; chew your food slowly. This can be beneficial in a couple of ways.

For one, chewing your food properly will help in the digestion process because smaller bits of food can be broken down more easily during digestion. At the same time, studies also show that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are already full.

Grilled & Boiled Food:

Choosing grilled or boiled food over fried ones is also a healthy eating habit that you should practice. This is mainly because grilled and broiled food contains much less fat and calories. But at the same time, they can still taste as good as the fried foods. You can just add some seasonings and sauces if you want to make the taste fuller. Just be careful in your selection of seasonings and sauces and make sure they are healthy as well.

Cut Back High Calorie Foods:

Cut back on your calories. This is actually a no-brainer when it comes to healthy eating habits to lose weight. Stored and unburned calories are among the primary reasons why you gain weight. Thus, you have to cut back on foods that have high calories. Find alternatives that will give you less calories but still the same delicious taste.


In the end, you have to bear in mind that the results do not come overnight. You have to make the healthy eating habits a part of your lifestyle. Incorporate it to your day to day living. But of course, you do not have to do it all at once. You can start by making small steps and make sure that you progress in eventually incorporating all these healthy eating habits to lose weight in your daily routine.


One Response

  1. Tony Lee April 8, 2012

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